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frequently  asked questions: Growing


  • what do i do with my products packaging waste
    we live in a world with finite resources, and an ever growing waste problem globally. We respectfully request that our packaging, once used and no longer of use to you, our canna-bliss family, is not just disposed of in the general waste stream and sent to landfill. Here are some suggestions for what to do with unavoidable packaging material. cardboard boxes and containers; Remove all tape and stickers from the box. Tear the box into small pieces and add it to your compost pile. Cardboard when composted is a valuable source of carbon to your compost pile. failing this, please add the box to your recyclable waste and send for recycling plastic products, including bubble wrap, stickers and box tape; These can be added to eco-bricks. We should all be placing our soft non-organic waste like plastic to eco-bricks which can be dropped off at stations across the country, and these eco bricks are used to build much needed infrastructure in communities in need. Alternatively, you yourself can use these eco-bricks at home to do various DIY projects. please visit the following sites for info, ideas and drop off locations for the eco-bricks: grow medium; coco/perlite once used, can be either be rinsed and reused, or u can just add it to your garden, compost pile or earthworm bin. excess nutrient mix; just add this to any flower flower bed, pots or garden. it will only do good. cannabis plant Biomass; There are countless ideas on what to do ith trim, stems and roots of your harvested cannabis plant. there is no reason a cannabis plant will have a negative impact on us or our planet, unless we encourage or facilitate this. a quick google search will give you endless reading and video ideas on what to do with your plants leftover biomass.
  • how do i mix my uBuntu Cannabis nutrients
    Depending on your plants growth stage, each part must be mixed grams per 10lt of water. so.... to spell it out. Ready, Set, Go will never be used together, but each of these will be used with Grow Crazy. remember to mix each of these seperate from Grow Crazy and add it to your 10lt nutrient feed sepetately stirring after each mix is added. have a 10lt watering can/ pressure vessel ready. Seedling stage: - mix 5 gm Set with water and once disolved add to 10lt feed - mix 1.25 gm Grow Crazy with water and once disolved add to 10lt feed Veg stage: - mix 7,5 gm Ready with water and once disolved add to 10lt feed - mix 1.75 gm Grow Crazy with water and once disolved add to 10lt feed Flower stage: - mix 10 gm Set with water and once disolved add to 10lt feed - mix 5 gm Grow Crazy with water and once disolved add to 10lt feed Ripen stage: - mix 5 gm Grow with water and once disolved add to 10lt feed - mix 2.5 gm Grow Crazy with water and once disolved add to 10lt feed Flush stage, final 2 weeks of flower. You will note that in the ripen stage, senescence will start and plants leaves will change color, simiar to that of plants in autumn. The point of flushing in the final 2 weeks is to aid senescence and stop feeding the plant so the plant can essentially die. apply your uBuntu Cannabis nutrients to the root zone, the slower, the better, until you see a run off. it is ideal to not let your grow medium dry out so as to minimise salt build up in the grow medium.
  • how often do i feed/ water my plants
    your plants will quickly indicate if they need water. plants are fed with every water, so each time you water your plants, be sure to add your uBuntu Cannabis nutrients to the water
  • can i use tap water with uBuntu Cannabis nutrients
    you can use tap water, but its best to use reverse osmosis water / dechlorinated tap water / spring water / rain water
  • can i use my uGrow kit with uBuntu Cannabis hydroponic nutrients outdoors
    hydroponics has a myth attached that it can only be used indoors. you can grow with hydroponic nutrients outdoors but must be aware of the following: environmental conditions like heat and wind can dry your grow medium out quicker, so be sure to mulch Environmental conditions like rain can dilute your feed mix in the root zone, but all you have to do to correct this is to feed your plant uBuntu cannabis nutrients after the rain has passed
  • do i need an EC and pH meter?
    it is advisable to use a pH and EC meter to meaure EC and pH but our nutes are rather forgiving and adjust most water to the correct range. Remember the ideal pH for hydro growing is 5.5 to 6.5.
  • do i need a grow light to grow Cannabis
    Only if you are growing indoors. If so, please see our range of LED lights in our shop.
  • do i need to conceal my Cannabis plant in a tent or closet?
    only if you have something to hide. the Concourt Judge ruled that adults in South Africa have a constitutional right to cultivate and consume Cannabis in private, so if you have nothing to hide, grow your ladies off within your home / private space without the need to hide them away.
  • do i get a free seed with my uGrow kit
    Yes, you recive a free seed. we gift you one feminized seed to grow in your kit. we stronly recommend you watch our Speakeasy Potcast episode 1 to verse yourself with the benefits of CBD (cannabidol) in the recreational space. this knowledge and having a CBD plant ready to consume could help you and end the terrible feeling of consuming too much THC.
  • what do i do with my products packaging waste
    we live in a world with finite resources, and an ever growing waste problem globally. We respectfully request that our packaging, once used and no longer of use to you, our canna-bliss family, is not just disposed of in the general waste stream and sent to landfill. Here are some suggestions for what to do with unavoidable packaging material. cardboard boxes and containers; Remove all tape and stickers from the box. Tear the box into small pieces and add it to your compost pile. Cardboard when composted is a valuable source of carbon to your compost pile. failing this, please add the box to your recyclable waste and send for recycling plastic products, including bubble wrap, stickers and box tape; These can be added to eco-bricks. We should all be placing our soft non-organic waste like plastic to eco-bricks which can be dropped off at stations across the country, and these eco bricks are used to build much needed infrastructure in communities in need. Alternatively, you yourself can use these eco-bricks at home to do various DIY projects. please visit the following sites for info, ideas and drop off locations for the eco-bricks: grow medium; coco/perlite once used, can be either be rinsed and reused, or u can just add it to your garden, compost pile or earthworm bin. excess nutrient mix; just add this to any flower flower bed, pots or garden. it will only do good. cannabis plant Biomass; There are countless ideas on what to do ith trim, stems and roots of your harvested cannabis plant. there is no reason a cannabis plant will have a negative impact on us or our planet, unless we encourage or facilitate this. a quick google search will give you endless reading and video ideas on what to do with your plants leftover biomass.
  • how do i mix my uBuntu Cannabis nutrients
    Depending on your plants growth stage, each part must be mixed grams per 10lt of water. so.... to spell it out. Ready, Set, Go will never be used together, but each of these will be used with Grow Crazy. remember to mix each of these seperate from Grow Crazy and add it to your 10lt nutrient feed sepetately stirring after each mix is added. have a 10lt watering can/ pressure vessel ready. Seedling stage: - mix 5 gm Set with water and once disolved add to 10lt feed - mix 1.25 gm Grow Crazy with water and once disolved add to 10lt feed Veg stage: - mix 7,5 gm Ready with water and once disolved add to 10lt feed - mix 1.75 gm Grow Crazy with water and once disolved add to 10lt feed Flower stage: - mix 10 gm Set with water and once disolved add to 10lt feed - mix 5 gm Grow Crazy with water and once disolved add to 10lt feed Ripen stage: - mix 5 gm Grow with water and once disolved add to 10lt feed - mix 2.5 gm Grow Crazy with water and once disolved add to 10lt feed Flush stage, final 2 weeks of flower. You will note that in the ripen stage, senescence will start and plants leaves will change color, simiar to that of plants in autumn. The point of flushing in the final 2 weeks is to aid senescence and stop feeding the plant so the plant can essentially die. apply your uBuntu Cannabis nutrients to the root zone, the slower, the better, until you see a run off. it is ideal to not let your grow medium dry out so as to minimise salt build up in the grow medium.
  • how often do i feed/ water my plants
    your plants will quickly indicate if they need water. plants are fed with every water, so each time you water your plants, be sure to add your uBuntu Cannabis nutrients to the water
  • can i use tap water with uBuntu Cannabis nutrients
    you can use tap water, but its best to use reverse osmosis water / dechlorinated tap water / spring water / rain water
  • can i use my uGrow kit with uBuntu Cannabis hydroponic nutrients outdoors
    hydroponics has a myth attached that it can only be used indoors. you can grow with hydroponic nutrients outdoors but must be aware of the following: environmental conditions like heat and wind can dry your grow medium out quicker, so be sure to mulch Environmental conditions like rain can dilute your feed mix in the root zone, but all you have to do to correct this is to feed your plant uBuntu cannabis nutrients after the rain has passed
  • do i need an EC and pH meter?
    it is advisable to use a pH and EC meter to meaure EC and pH but our nutes are rather forgiving and adjust most water to the correct range. Remember the ideal pH for hydro growing is 5.5 to 6.5.
  • do i need a grow light to grow Cannabis
    Only if you are growing indoors. If so, please see our range of LED lights in our shop.
  • do i need to conceal my Cannabis plant in a tent or closet?
    only if you have something to hide. the Concourt Judge ruled that adults in South Africa have a constitutional right to cultivate and consume Cannabis in private, so if you have nothing to hide, grow your ladies off within your home / private space without the need to hide them away.
  • do i get a free seed with my uGrow kit
    Yes, you recive a free seed. we gift you one feminized seed to grow in your kit. we stronly recommend you watch our Speakeasy Potcast episode 1 to verse yourself with the benefits of CBD (cannabidol) in the recreational space. this knowledge and having a CBD plant ready to consume could help you and end the terrible feeling of consuming too much THC.

frequently  asked questions: potency testing


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